2018 Photos
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Our 2018 Team
Our 2018 Team in Zimbabwe
2018 team in Paris on our way to the Mission
Mothers Day at the Mission with our team
Tigers and Elephants and Zebra's, Oh My!!
Barb with the Mission Zimbabwe Display at the Maple Syrup Festival - Community of Hope - Hanover - March 31, 2018
Mission Zimbabwe Display at the Maple Syrup Festival - Community of Hope - Hanover - March 31, 2018
Some Live Entertainment for the Pancake and Sausage participants at the Maple Syrup Festival
Waiting in Line for Pancakes and Sausage
They were worth the wait!!!
The crowd enjoying the breakfast
Henry Mengers from Andre's Alpacas shows some of his prize Alpaca's
They just love kids
Horse Drawn wagon rides
Hot Apple Cider
The Straw Maze
The Dogs show their talents
Sawing Logs - Two man style
2018 Valentines Concert Entertainment
Sebastien Ellis entertains at the 2018 Valentines Concert - Victoria Jubilee Hall
The Usual Suspects - Part of the Valentines Concert Entertainment
Cam Fletcher - Part of the Valentines Concert Entertainment
Mike Derek - Part of the Valentines Concert Entertainment